Instead of the usual drive up to Melbourne for the Fijian church service - or even English language worship at Altona Meadows/Laverton, Peceli decided to stay home in Geelong and spend Mothers Day with me. A quiet day. I only had to play music at East Geelong first, then we had a free day, so bought whopper meals at Hungry Jacks and drove down to Eastern Park overlooking Corio Bay and the Youyang hills which look like Vorovoro and Mali Islands. A flock of cockatoos fed near us and when i went to take a close-up they flew up into the air and away and reminded me of the Ascension which is surely a very difficult concept for theologians this week.It was a nice afternoon anyway. With children and grandchildren in Fiji, Mothers Day is quiet for us. Next weekend though will be all activity here as we are having a grand sale - a Garage Sale in our compound - to help with getting to a special wedding in Fiji. Friends are giving us furniture, and we have plenty of pot-plants and junk as well. And what's leftover can go to Donation in Kind - or - the tip! Anyway I can spend the week tidying the house and garden.

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