A fine gentleman, Barry Bell from Geelong, Australia, was such a friend of Fiji, with his inspiring Donation in Kind work, especially for the development of Koroipita, the new village named after Peter Drysdale of Lautoka. Today Peceli and I attended Barry Bell's funeral at St Mary's Basilica with over 700 other people to pay tribute to an outstanding life of commitment to family, community, overseas projects in the South Pacific, and indigenous projects within Australia. It was a beautiful service, with singing of 'I have a dream' (there's a line that goes - something good in everything I see - what optimism!) 'What a wonderful world' and hymns. Afterwards we went to the Truffleduck Reception Centre for food and drink and to view an exhibition of Barry Bell's watercolours which are optimistic and showing our beautiful Corio Bay and nearby places. We knew Barry mainly through Rotary projects to Fiji and Donation in Kind. He was an intelligent but humble man with a vision that humanity can be served by helping others, sending practical gifts in containers, by working alongside strangers to put up houses, kindergartens, water projects. Emails were read this afternoon from Peter Drysdale and from people from the island of Yanuca off Deuba where a rest house had been built for the people coming and going on the outboard boats. Vinaka vakalevu Barry for a fine life of compassion and service for others.

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