Labasa had a major Hindu function drawing a large crowd to Subrail Park. Permit granted, I presume. The partial eclipse of the sun was a good sign too. Fiji Sun writes it as follows:
Renowned priest visits Labasa
More than 4000 people flocked to the Vodafone Subrail Park last night to listen to spiritual words delivered by the Sant Shri Rameshbhai Oza. Sant Oza is a well known priest throughout the world and is heard over the air. He also toured throughout the world to deliver spiritual speech and this year he made a trip to Fiji. It is his third visit to Fiji. He first came in 1992 in Suva and then in 1995, he visited Suva and parts of the western division. This year he decided to make another trip to Fiji. He landed in Nadi Airport, spent few days in Ban and then flew to Labasa on Tuesday.
While Fiji Sun caught him, Sant Oza said it was the nature of the people in the northern division especially Labasa that made him tour Labasa. He said the people were so nice and the environment was also good. He also said that he could feel that Labasa was closer to God in nature. “People’s emotions are very much pure and they are more dedicated to God,” he said. “People like devotion and it is something I like very much. They are more dedicated to God and to the communities in nature,” he added.
He also visited a school in Labasa and he was touched by the way children responded to him. “Children have lots of questions and O was really glad to answer them and to share things with them”. He added that it was good to see a large number of people gathered at the park. “There was a very good crowd and I would like to tell everybody in this island to remain with nature and to see God all the time”.
“The best thing is to get away from all the bad habits stay pure’.
Shree Sanatan Dharan Naag Mandir priest Kamlesh Maharaj added that his visit was very educational. He said for many years they only hear him preaching on the radio and when he visted them in Labasa, it was a great pleasure. “We are very thankful that he came to visit us. Out of the many temples in Fiji, he decides to come down here to us”.
‘We learn many basics of philosophy of Hinduism and moral values that we need to practice in our society today. “He has also help us to develop more on our spiritual growths which is a very important part of life”. “We used to hear him on the air and when we see him face to face we are very happy,’ he said. Meanwhile, audiences were expected to double up last night as Sant Oza would preach for the last time.
(Some of the typos have been corrected and I emboldened some of the words!)
Another religious function is planned for Zabasa by no other than the enthusiastic police. $17,000 of public money allocated. Haven't the babasiga people seen the light yet?
Police sets budget for northern crusade writes the Fijilive site:
July 26, 2009 04:39:14 PMA+ A- | | | Fiji Police will use $17000 from its community policing budget for a conference of churches in the northern division this week.
Police Commissioner Commodore Esala Teleni hopes that church leaders from all Christian denominations will attend the 3-days meeting.
Police spokesperson in the north, Constable Mika Cabelawa, said the conference, to begin on Wednesday, is part of the department’s community policing initiative.
“We will see members of the community working closely with the Police in the north,” explains Cabelawa.
The Catholic Church of Fiji, Methodist Church, Assemblies of God, World Harvest, and All Nations Church have been invited to the meeting. etc. etc.
Today I am speaking on air 'The Pulse' program in Geelong for the Interfaith Network. Pray that I say the right things and don't make any nonsense statements and control my opinions about Fiji stuff, eh!
He is not a priest
He is a Saint
lives to make life better throug the preaching of god
just correction needed .
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