A neighbour asked us to cut down a large branch of his nokonoko (casuarina, she-oak) tree that came across our compound and then over a shed in another neighbour's back yard. In a suburb you don't hear the sounds of the nokonoko sighing that you may notice along a Fiji beach. The sighing can be both romantic or sad as a gentle breeze moves the branches. The tree doesn't have the usual leaves at all.
I like this nokonoko tree. Its so tall and attractive tree. Its looks nice in flower pot. Nokonoko tree I never seen before in my life.
The nokonoko tree available on the Fiji beaches. Its looks nice and its huge also. Its also looks nice in home decoration. Your neighbor are fool because they want to cut this tree.
The nokonoko tree gives you shadow and protect your home from sun rays. You just tell your neighbor and stop them to cut it. Its really tall and looks nice.
It is an interesting post about the nokonoko tree. Its so nice tree. Its look so nice in home decoration. Its really looks attractive. I think its only finding on Fiji beaches.
I see lots of trees and plants. But never see The nokonoko tree. Its really amazing and different from all other trees. Its also not available everywhere. Its found at Fiji's beach side.
This tree is really so beautiful. I think it is available on the Fiji beaches. Its also looks nice in home decoration. I impressed by that tree.
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