Peceli phoned this morning to say he and Joy will be meeting with the team coming over to Vanua Levu from Geelong Australia to put in the water infrastructure for a village in Dreketi, then I read about it in today's Fiji Times. Vinaka Joy.

Overseas club to build village's water systemMonday, August 17, 2009
A NEW water system will soon have more than 50 families in the Northern Division with safe drinking water. Members of the Rotary Club of Geelong in Australia, who donated the system, will start installation this week. Team rep Joyce Baxter said villagers of Nabavatu in Dreketi, Macuata would have a new water reservoir and piping system.
"If there is a lot of material, the villagers might get new taps in their house but our main area of work is the reservoir and building a new tank," Ms Baxter said. "The team will arrive this week and work will start on Friday where a new water tank will be built. The assessment of work on the water system was done last year when we came to help the villagers.
"The club has adopted Nabavatu Village as its project of help and we have helped the villagers in past years."
Villagers last year received clothes and medical supplies from the club. Ms Baxter said medical supplies were given to the Dreketi Health Centre for the community's use.
message for Peceli,
Glad to hear you've been up to Dreketi.
I hope you are reading the blog as I can't get you by phone. Rich wrote he'll be there 10.30 a.m. in Labasa on Saturday 22nd. But I don't know where!
west papua
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