Sairusi Tuivonovono and Alifereti Veitokai of Nabuli in Rewa show kawai they uprooted on Tuesday. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU
from w
Here's a story especially for Macuata people and Peceli who is over in Fiji at present. The Rewa people planted extra food for the visitors to come to the Conference that is not a Conference, so this planter of kawai ( a special delicacy loved by Labasa people) ready for visitors, but, now he will just give it to his local talatala!
from Fiji Times -
Church benefits from cropBy UNAISI RATUBALAVU
Thursday, August 06, 2009
REWA native Sairusi Tuivonovono started planting kawai, a root crop, from last year as part of his village's preparations for the Methodist Church Conference that was to have been held this month. The retired soldier managed to get 30 to 40 pieces of kawai when he harvested it from his garden at Cunningham last Tuesday.
The 58-year-old from Nabuli in Dreketi was tasked to take care of the the Serua divisional superintendent, who was to have been billeted at his village. "I was thinking to take some kawai for the minister so he could have it for his breakfast while staying at the village. I don't want him to have the Western style of breakfast, which most of us are used to like bread and tea.
"But now, the conference is cancelled, I just take some of my harvested crop to our minister here at Cunningham," Mr Tuivonovono said. He said after planting the crop and seeing the kind of harvests he got, he would continue planting kawai for as long as he can. "I also know that not many Fijian men in Rewa and other villages in Viti Levu are planting this crop." He said he got the idea for this particular crop from his observing his elders planting kawai when he was young.
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