from w
Sometimes here in Geelong we have a Favourite Hymns service, songs chosen by the people in the pews. Here are some well-known hymns from a conservative list that does not include many of the songs since 1900 and even 2000. I would add songs like 'Nothing is lost' from New Zealand, and many of John Bell's songs from Iona. These are in English, but there are many Fijian hymns I like from the Fijian Methodist Hymn Book of 1938 such as 199 Kemuni na veitokani and 261 Mai seretaki ira ga, and Hindi bhajans as well such as Jisu ne kaha jiwan ki roti. There are numerous excellent hymn and anthem writers in Fiji. In 1985 and 1988 choirs visited Australia, particularly Geelong who came from Labasa and were led by Saimoni Kete.
This year we do miss the annual Choir Competition in Suva. One church in Suva which produces remarkably good singers is Samabula East. Here is a picture of some of their singers.

Personally like the Fijian Hymn "Au Sa Tamata Ca".
Wendy, do you know of the orginal English version?
Hello Laminar,
That sere ni lotu is a translation of 'I hear Thy welcome voice' though the first line certainly isn't the same! From the Methodist Hymn Book, (English) but originally from Sankey's. We don't sing it these days in Australia as the MHB went out in the 70s about the time the Uniting Church was formed.
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