There are some really nice photos on flicker of Suva
from Andrew,
we went to MHCC first. We went to Extrem to by DVDs. We ate chiken and chips and fish and chips. We saw Grandpa walking on the road and we was in the taxi than we came home.
from Elijah,
We went to eat fish and chips. And we went to Extreem and shopping at MHCC.
from Robin,
I was going to town. We was eating fish and chips.
from Mereoni,
We went to Suva and we waited for Uncle to go to the bank from there to the DVD shop From the DVD shop tne to the restaurant to eat fish asnd cips. Afterwards then to Extreem to buy some movies. And then to the bookshop to buy books and pencils, from their we came right here by taxi.
from Talei,
We woke up in the morning had a prayer and went by taxi to Suva. We bought some stuff at MH went to a DVD shop and came back home by taxi.
from Jordan,
I went to town to go shopping. We went to one bank to go get money for our spending. We went to eat fish and chips. Then we went to Extreem to buy some DVds. Then we went shopping at MH. Then caught the taxi home.
While they were away three of us women had a silent flat so had a good snooze! Now the kids are back, it's full on with lots of chatter, video games, etc.and the little boy from the upstair flat is happy to play with the kids again.
Dear Peceli and Wendy,
I represent Christ Church United Free Church, Hanworth Road, Feltham. Next year (2009) is the centenary of the building in which we worship. We are currently planning events to celebrate this significant milestone in our history.
The first Minister of this church was Rev. Joseph Nettleton. We do not know a great deal about Rev. Nettleton, but we do know that he was a missionary in Fiji between 1860 and 1873, and that:
“He took part in preparing the first Bible for the Fijians, and in old age translated for them The Pilgrim’s Progress.”
We were surprised to find this unexpected connection between your nation and our un-remarkable London suburban church. We would welcome any information you may have about Rev. Nettleton’s life. He played an important role in the history of our church, and perhaps in the history of your nation.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Gillies
Hello Tom,
I put a post on your website but if you google Nettleton Levuka, some things come up about him e.g. from Thornley's book.
Good luck with your research and centenary. Nettleton lived in Fiji in interesting times in the town of Levuka, the former capital of Fiji.
Exodus of the I Taukei: The Wesleyan Church in Fiji, 1848-74 = No ... - Google Books Resultby Andrew Thornley, Tauga Vulaono, University of ... - 2002 - History - 579 pages
William Floyd commenced a Church of England mission at Levuka. Nettleton applauded the priest's conscientious efforts: "we provoke one another to love and ...
A great deal of effective information for me!
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