Good to read that FIT held a meeting to talk about climate change and had speakers from the USA and Chinese embassies as their countries certainly are top of the list in polluting the atmosphere. Australia is up there too, if you count the population. The topic caused a reshuffle and a kerfuffle for the Australian Liberal Party with the new man, Abbot, once saying 'climate change' isn't happening! Oh yeah! However the Labour solution wasn't so good after all - giving huge sums of money to the polluters isn't the answer really. The article below doesn't say much about specifics of course, just 'dreaming on'. And who are going on Fiji's behalf and what will they say? Perhaps, 'We are planting a few mangroves!'

One National News
FIT organises public lecture on climate change
3 Dec 2009 17:40:31
Representatives from two of the largest countries responsible for carbon emissions say they are committed to finding a solution to climate change.
The Fiji Institute of Technology last night organised a public lecture on climate change in the lead up to the Copenhagen Summit next week as a means to increase public awareness. Panelists included experts from the US and Chinese Embassy in Suva.
Leaders from over fifty countries have committed themselves to attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
The summit is seen as the largest effort in history to reduce carbon emissions and find ways to assist small island states at risk from rising sea levels.
Dr. Norman Barth has been an environmental scientists for over 14 years...currently he is the Regional Environment Officer Pacific based at the US Embassy in Suva. At the public lecture last night, Dr. Barth outlined the US government's commitment in that they want an internationally recognised legally binding agreement. This he says would mean that those who sing up would be bound to make huge reductions in carbon emissions within a specific time-line. Dr. Barth adds that part of the problem is that people expect others to act but do little themselves.
While the Copenhagen Summit has skeptics, the US government says its commitment is evident with the attendance of President Barrack Obama.
China has a similar stance having already announced plans to cut back emissions pre- Copenhagen.
China also plans to enter into bilateral agreements with small island states aimed at helping them mitigate the impact of climate change.
A delegation from Fiji will be leaving for the UN meeting as well.
And some comments about mangroves from Fiji Times. because there are small ways to help in conserving the environment and being part of climate change.
Mangroves motion
Monday, December 07, 2009
THERE is a lack of knowledge in our community about the importance of mangrove trees, says Pacific island biogeography expert Professor Randy Thaman. He said mangroves were being destroyed without people fully understanding their purpose at the seafront. He said mangroves offered protection from natural disasters like tsunamis, and provided medicine, food and a home for marine life. He said mangroves at Pacific Harbour and other places in Fiji had been destroyed to make way for new land to build homes and industrial settlements.
"The main message is there are different species of mangrove trees and the ones that are destroyed the most are the mangroves that grow on land," Professor Thaman said. "Mangrove species include the tiri, hybrid, togo, sagale. You also have the dabi, the cannonball tree, kedra ivi yalewa kalou (known as the looking glass tree).
"The mulomulo is very important medicinal plant. They are part of the mangrove structure and they are the ones that are being cleared the most. People push their houses destroying these plants. These are the ones we need to protect and replant them too." Professor Thaman was present on Saturday at the mangrove replanting program at the Nasese foreshore. He gave volunteers tips on mangrove plants.
Mangroves stripped from the sea edge and used for homely needs are not as bad as mangroves stripped for the infrastructure and pretty environment for tourist resorts - such as Denarau!
PS Experts should go to Copenhagen, not those with 'status' who talk in generalities, not specifics. Who is going from Fiji for the climate change summit? Those with expertise in the subject?
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