A visitor or newcomer to Fiji would be at a loss to understand many conversations in cafes in Suva as the local people use acronyms / initialisms all the time to refer to departments, organisations, shops, and so on. Now there will be a new one surely that beats them all. The Council of Chiefs building to be opened shortly has a name that boggles the mind. It is Vale Ni Bose of the Fijians Trust Fund Building Complex which I expect will be shorted to VNBFTFBC!

Here is a conversation:
Bula bro. Hey there look at the woman from the FHRC.
No, she’s FLS.
And her friend from FMS.
No, she’s USP.
Did you hear about the guy from PCRD who’s going out with the GM from VTLP.
I’ve got a new job bro with PIF.
Given up on FSC? Well, I'm going for a new job at the VNBFTFBC!
Later: Friday 25th September. Well, the building has been opened by the Tui Vuda (previously known as the President). Perhaps Ro Kepa would have been an excellent choice to do the honours. As Fiji TV reports 'However, along with the empty seats in the guests dias .... the absence of high chiefs like Ro Teimumu, Tui Namosi Ratu Suliano Matanitobua, Na Ka Levu Ratu Sakiusa Makutu and Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu didn't go un-noticed.' I noticed the Fijivillage still call the building by its old name Council of Chiefs Complex. Tui Macuata was there. He knows which side his bread is buttered on!

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