from w
Peceli brought me back a bundle of newspapers and some magazines from Fiji so I am going through them with some amusement, disquiet, wonder. Two magazines that drew my attention were Mailife and Oceanian Wave; the latter was inaugurated in February this year and comes from the USP so has highly literate articles, fabulous photographs and covers topics that interest me. Mailife is full of the superb seven star resort on Laucala Island and the writer exceeds himself in hyperbole and amazement and then says, 'I lived in a atin hut'. I'll write more on this later as it raises the topic of distribution of wealth and the contrasts of lifestyle in Fiji. The cover of Ocean Wave is intriguing. What is the girl looking at? The model is Salote Sinukula Naulumatua and the photograph by Shiri.
Then I found a supplement to the Fiji Times because this inportant institution started in Levuka 140 years ago. Happy birthday Fiji Times.

And I applaud the courageous stand being taken by the current Fiji Tines Editor, Netani Rika, in refusing to publish any government material unless he has the freedom to respond to it with independent opinion. Netani has inherited the courageous voice that his grandfather (talatala) had in arguing for a United Synod as the necessary forerunner to an independent Methodist Conference.
Hello Andrew,
Yes, Netani is a courageous man. Now the directive is for government departments etc. to cancel their Fiji Times subscription and also to no longer advertise there. This newspaper is certainly the best in Fiji.
"Best" is a matter of opinion Wendy.
Case in point: What fruit do you like?
Hello Laminar,
Just as I prefer the Age to the often trashy Herald Sun in the Melbourne papers, I prefer the Fiji Times and it's not just the bias in the Sun that is annoying. Re fruit - I think it is really more like comparing mango varieties, turpentine taste, parrot mangoes, or over-ripe, and so on!
Wendy: there's also an online publication called iMODE - very polished and professional.
Hello Nzm,
I had a 10 seconds look at IMode. Hey, it looks very interesting. Maybe we should contribute to it sometime?
Yes - good idea!
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