Thursday, November 27, 2014

Proposed technical school in Labasa

from w
This does sound like a good idea.  Some of the courses undertaken at Fiji High Schools are not as practical or suitable as technical schools, so it's good to hear that one is proposed for Labasa.  From the Fiji media:

Proposed technical college

Luke Rawalai And Salaseini Moceiwai
Friday, November 28, 2014
LABASA Arya College will be converted into one of the first three technical colleges in the country next year.
This was revealed by the Minister of Education Dr Mahendra Reddy during his tour of the college in Labasa on Wednesday.
He said this was in line with the ministry's reforms to develop more technical colleges in the country.
"The technical colleges will enable students who want to do skilled work like electrical engineering, mechanical works, short cooking classes," Dr Reddy said.
"After completing these two-year courses in these colleges, the students can then pursue their diplomas at the Fiji National University.
"These programs will suit school dropouts well who can use these opportunities to look for skilled works."

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