Sunday, November 30, 2014

James Bhagwan on ABC radio

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Last night I was interested to listen to Fiji's James Bhagwan being interviewed by John Cleary on the ABC Sunday night religious program. Rev James was articulate and spoke of the arrival of the vaka from the Pacific Islands for a conference on conservation. He was also asked about the Methodist Church in Fiji and James spoke clearly about recent history.  Go to this website and the interview can be downloaded.


The Mua Voyage canoes on Sydney Harbour, 12 November 2014

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The Interview: Rev. James Bhagwan

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Pacific Island nations recently highlighted their concerns about conservation and climate change at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney.
Leaders such as the President of Kiribati, Anote Tong, made a spectacular entrance to Sydney Harbour on 12 November 2014, sailing up Sydney Harbour in four massive Pacific voyaging canoes and docking at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour.
The Mua Voyagers travelled to Sydney from as far away as the Cook Islands, entirely under sail and navigating by the stars, as an example of the way people can still live in harmony with nature.
Rev. James Bhagwan is the Methodist Church in Fiji's Secretary for Communication and Overseas Mission and the chaplain to the voyagers.
He spoke to John Cleary about the voyage and the climate reality faced by the people of the Pacific.
Rev. Bhagwan also discussed the current political climate in Fiji, where the majority Methodist Church has endured a rocky relationship with the country's former military regime.

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