Sunday, November 23, 2014

Seasonl workers to New Zealand

from w
Only thirty people to go to New Zealand as seasonal workers, and the training will cost half a million dollars!  What kind of training is that!  FORES is certainly going to make a huge packet out of this.

FORES to select for NZ seasonal work November 24, 2014 03:30:03 

 Fiji's Foreign Employment Service (FORES) will select and prepare the 30 workers to participate in the first phase under the New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Work Scheme. A sum of $520,150 has been provided to the FORES to facilitate the training of these workers as well as others expected to take up seasonal work in New Zealand and Australia later in the year. 

Finance Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said about 3000 Fijians are expected to be trained under this programme. Employment Ministry Permanent Secretary Taito Waqa had said in an interview earlier the training of workers is part of efforts to ensure and maintain quality in exports including in labour. It is likely government will also consider those registered with the National Employment Centre (NEC), when selecting those to take up the seasonal work programme. 

NEC has been provided $1million in the 2015 Budget to help unemployed Fijians find jobs, both locally and overseas, that will allow them to support themselves and their families. NEC focuses on providing skills training that makes unemployed persons, retirees, and volunteers more competitive in both local and overseas employment markets. It also offers placement services. 

Meanwhile, seasonal work for the 30 workers in New Zealand starts in February next year. They will work in Hawke's Bay, Bay of Plenty and Nelson. An agreement will be signed on December 11 between Fiji and New Zealand to set out the RSE arrangements. 

FORES was officially launched in July this year to help Fijians find employment overseas. The program has helped Fijians find employment in the UAE, Canada and NZ. More opportunities are available now that NZ and Australia have welcomed Fiji back into their seasonal workers program.


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