Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Naseakula District School

from w
This news in the Fiji Times certainly is embarrassing for former students of this school.  The school management say the school is behind in their rent to the TLTB. They recently had a bazaar to try and raise funds to pay the debt.  But there is more behind the story.  The owner of the land on which the school was built in about 1939 is a clan from  Naseakula village. Also, the people of Naseakula (parents and grandparents of the students of this school) do get money from many leases around Labasa so they are not poor.  Labasa town is close so there is an opportunity for some jobs. There is a lot of land which can be planted in vegtetables etc. to sell.  So why do they ask strangers and 'good samaritans' for money?

On a positive note, the footpath recently built from the village to the school does look good and will be great for the children to avoid getting muddy on the way to and from their school.

Plea to save school

Luke Rawalai
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
A TOTAL of 152 students may have to find new schools with the imminent closure of the Naseakula District School in Labasa.
The management of the school are seeking assistance from good Samaritans for funding to keep the 75-year-old school open.
School manager Isoa Rasousou said the school had unpaid lease money worth $6000.
Mr Rasousou said the school had been approached by the iTaukei Land Trust Board informing them of the looming closure of the school if the $6000 lease fees were not paid off soon.
He said the total lease money was $12,000 and that the management had been able to pay off half of the total with a balance of $6000.
"The school started off in 1939 as a district school serving students from as far as Mali Island, Uluibau, Qawa and Bulileka," Mr Rasousou said.
"We have been holding fundraising (events) but this has not sufficed to pay off the remaining balance.
"We are seeking assistance from kind donors and old students to keep the school doors open for the current 152 students in the school."
Mr Rasousou said the school served students in Naseakula, Wailevu, Nakama and children of civil servants in Labasa.
"On behalf of the school management, I would like to seek assistance of kind-hearted people to help us keep this school going so that children can continue to seek their future in this institution."

1 comment:

  1. I was a bit rough on the Naseakula people in the post. Since then I've discovered that the debt is a strange one - originally the land was a gift from the landowners to build a school, but recently some government decree now wants schools to pay up and in this case charge the Nasekula District School for every year since 1939! How can you backdate such a thing and expect the present generation to pay all of that money!!!
