Friday, July 25, 2014

Fiji team in Glasgow

from w
Good luck to the Fiji team at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.  We probably won't see too much of them as our TV programs mainly concentrate on finals and on Australian swimmers, etc.  Anyway here are a few pictures I found on the internet and a story from the Fiji Times.

Team Fiji in baton relay

Emoni Narawa
Friday, July 25, 2014
THE Queen's Baton visited Team Fiji's camp yesterday at the Commonwealth Games Athletes' Village in Glasgow.
FASANOC delegates at the Commonwealth Games Federation General Assembly were delighted that the Queen's Baton spent 30 minutes at the camp since it did not make a stopover in Fiji during its relay to the respective Commonwealth countries.
Yesterday, Team Fiji revealed in a statement that it was overwhelmed with the reception.
Team Fiji was excited at being included in the Queen's Baton relay.
Chef de mission Lyndall Fisher and secretary general Lorraine Mar thanked Team Scotland for the kind gesture.
Meanwhile, Fiji flag bearer Litia Tikoisuva started her experience as a flag bearer at the Oceania Flag Bearer Naming Ceremony at the Glasgow Caledonian University Forecourt.
The ceremony was opened by Dennis Miller, executive director of ONOC (Oceania National Olympic Committee) and featured Papua New Guinea's gold-medal-winner Ryan Pini.
A set agenda was followed for each of the nations which involved the chef de mission for each country announcing the name of the flag bearer before the athlete paraded with the flag.
Fisher was delighted to announce that lawn bowler Litia Tikoisuva would be leading the way at Celtic Park for Fiji.
This is Tikoisuva's fourth games, having previously competed at the 1998, 2002 and 2006 competitions.
"That experience of winning includes a successful gold medal campaign at the South Pacific Games. Tikoisuva beamed with pride after receiving the flag and said she felt honoured to be representing Fiji," Fisher said.
Team Fiji is also anticipating greeting the government delegation led by the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau who arrived in Glasgow.

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