Friday, August 01, 2014

Homework and parents

from w
An interesting article in today's Fiji Times raises an important issue - how much do parents help/hinder children with their homework?  In the Fiji context i have observed that children are hindered from doing homework by  school children being given many errands to run  - buy bread, buy kava and so on. I also think there is sometimes a gap between parents and children if the young ones are very computer literate. Some parents are so busy going to choir practice or funerals that children's homework is the last thing on their minds. So I think the educator who made these claims isn't thinking of the general population of Fiji.  Maybe some parents don't do anything at all but others are like hovering helicopters over their children and their schoolwork.   Living with us are grandchildren and their father and me (grandmother) do take notice of their education at the local high school. In fact I'm a grumpy grandma a lot of the time insisting that homework be done, but there is so much sport and phones and stuff that take up their attention!  I know of parents who almost write essays for their sons and daughters at university but that is wrong. Our task is to assist their learning in appropriate ways such as talk over the topic of their essays, point out internet sites that are relevant and by example show them how important language and maths etc. are to their future choices.

Hands off homework

Dawn Gibson
Saturday, August 02, 2014
AS IT turns out, it may actually help - as parents and guardians - not to constantly assist children with their homework, or get too involved with school activities.
That's the view of the Ministry of Education, which backed a study carried out by two academics from the University of Texas and Duke University that examined the importance of parents not overly being involved in the academic lives of their children.
Education permanent secretary Dr Brij Lal said parents must step back and allow their children to grow.
The research - which tracked 63 different measures of parental participation in the academic lives of their children, from helping them with homework, to talking with them about college plans, to volunteering at their schools - was published in The Atlantic and supported by educationists.
It found that measurable forms of parental involvement ended up in "few academic dividends for kids, or even to backfire - regardless of a parent's race, class, or level of education".
"Other essentially useless parenting interventions (are) observing a kid's class, helping a teenager choose high-school courses and, especially, disciplinary measures such as punishing kids for getting bad grades or instituting strict rules about when and how homework gets done."
Additional results - and ones which were on a more positive note - suggested that it was important to read out loud to children, as well as get them excited about college studies.
"They did find a handful of habits that make a difference, such as reading aloud to young kids and talking with teenagers about college plans."
Consultant psychologist Selina Kuruleca said reading was an essential part of a child's learning.
"Reading at home daily by parents, grandparents and primary caregivers is essential for child development, creativity and thirst for exploration and creativity. Getting excited for college, yes, though the reality on the ground is that many households are worrying about the here and now and don't have set plans or strategies for after high school."
Dr Lal yesterday told this newspaper that parents must act as guides.
"Some degree of assistance and guidance is necessary from parents, but not actually doing the real work, but to guide them is important," Dr Lal said.
"Reading aloud is a good thing ... and it's always nice to tell children that we would want them to grow up and go to university, so they are told in their young days."

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