Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going to Tonga for a coronation?

from w
I wonder who is representing Fiji next week in Tonga for a splendid occasion - if you like hierarchies and that sort of thing.

“Coronation a Worthwhile Event for World’s Last Remaining Polynesian Kingdom”
By Takafly Brown & the Silhouette

After years of mourning, trials and tribulations the last remaining Polynesian kingdom is set for a very joyous coronation for King Siaosi Tupou V on 1 August 2008 … but alas, already its preparation has received some harsh criticism.

According to Tonga’s Tourism NZ representative, Will ‘Ilolahia the coronation expenditure is only $1million more than the TOP$4 million spent on the recent Pacific leaders Forum held last year, “... So what is the big-deal.!” It is estimated that the Coronation will bring the Kingdom close to $10 million in foreign earnings – twice what she will spend, let alone the world-wide publicity!

“It will celebrate a worthy new Head of State and also marks the beginning of an evolving Tongan democracy. It is widely accepted King Siaosi Tupou V has granted the people’s wishes by appointing the present PM who is a people’s representative. Previously it was his younger brother, now Crown Prince Tupouto’a Lavaka,” ‘Ilolahia said.

Tonga’s Monarchy is a fundamental institution of Tongan Society. The Coronation is the Crowning of this centuries old system which is already attracted world renown celebrities.

Tonga’s last Coronation was 41 years ago, so this Government and the majority of Tongans worldwide are proud to have this event where the newest Pacific developing democracy can demonstrate why “the Friendly Islanders’ still have a King.

Air NZ has already added additional flight to its normally peak July schedule. The Tongan Confederated Society of NZ (TCSNZ) has fundraisers planned this month for NZ based Tongans wanting to attend the coronation. TCSNZ represents elected Tongan community leaders from all metropolitan Auckland Councils.

This is contra to recent Camwest TV3 reports claiming that for many Tongans “the coronation expenditure does not sit right.”

Aisea Kaifa of Onehunga Methodist church declares he will be taking his family, “for my daughters to witness the coronation is not just for the King, it’s the Tongan peoples coronation”.

Tongan Government confirms most invited guests are paying for their own fares with many wanting to spend their own money whilst in Tonga, Proceeds from sale of memorabilia will go to various charities in Tonga and there is already a committee to oversee this.

American Peace Corp veterans are hosting their anniversary reunion
to coincide with the Coronation. A Norwegian Foreign Affairs official Ms Peki Matheson presently in Ethiopia, Africa, has confirmed her attendance. Traditional Tongan fales are specially being built to cater for those wanting a taste of cultural living…

For the usual feasts, these will be done on a voluntary basis - not the government paying as claimed by misinformed media.

Now is a time for Tonga to celebrate like it always has, since day one...we celebrate birthdays, weddings, graduations, etc; churches are always celebrating with their annual conferences and “misinale” this is accepted – annual events. But Coronation comes one in every 40 years! For once let Tongans enjoy together with others whether they are royalists, democrats, indigenous and visitors, young and old the heralding in of a New Beginning …

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