Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fijians at Sydney at World Youth Day

from w
The Catholic promotional World Youth Day (week-long) in Sydney was a resounding success with over 400,000 people at the Sunday Mass in the main racecourse in Sydney yesterday and various events during the preceding week. Young people from many countries of the world gathered to celebrate and be inspired. A group of Fijians, some say up to 400, were there also. Here are some pictures I 'borrowed' from the internet.

I watched some of the TV programs on the event, and wondered if that intellectual man in the centre of attention, would really have preferred to be sitting in his study with books. Congratulations for an excellent event (though... read in small print... where were the women leaders, women speakers, female clergy, bishops, even Sisters of Mercy? Not up front. The liberal Catholics were not part of the event perhaps.)


  1. Hy there..

    interesting blogg.. like it.


  2. Dear Peceli and Wendy

    We would like to use your first image of the fijian men in traditional dress carrying the box in our magazine The Far East. It is the magazine of the Columban Mission and we have a circulation of about 20.000. Would it be possible to send a high res image of that picture to we will credit the photo to you and send you some magazines once the picture is printed

    Yours sincerely,

    Jacqui Russell

  3. The photo you want to use is not mine. I got it off the internet so you need to do a google search to find it again. Okay? Best of luck.
