Monday, July 21, 2008

Some historical photos about Tonga

from w.
One time when I wrote a paper comparing Tongan and Fijian music I used some photographs from an old Geographic magazine so here are some of them. And also I found some of historical interest of Queen Salote, and the visit of Queen Elizabeth to Tonga in 1953. The famous photo of Queen Salote at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in London was probably what put Tonga on the international map as she waved to the crowds ignoring the rain. One photo is of people lying down on the grass in front of the king's palace during the coronation about forty years ago. Will they do that next week at the next coronation?

The Tongan nose flute was softly played at dawn to awaken the royal guests in Nukualofa. The leader of the group was the Honourable Veehala, Keeper of the Palace Records.


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    these pictures are amazing. I'm tongan blooded but I do not know so much about my backgroung. I wish I was schooling in tonga to learn everything and understand. i look forward to more uploads.
    Lavelua Tui

  2. This will not have effect in fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
