I notice that the tribewanted website includes postings from a blog from Ulai who seems to be in England at present. He thinks back to his earlier life and also has comments on how he views the project at Vorovoro. Ulai is a bright young Fijian lawyer who has been around a bit including a stint in Australia helping with Aboriginal land problems.
Still got the dreadlocks Ulai?
There's a program on the BBC at present called 'Paradise or Bust' which tells the story of the eco-village project. There are plenty of short videos on Youtube including one of the Mali District School children singing, one on exploring the reef which includes Fijian string band singing and a bit from the BBC program Paradise or Bust.
I am so enjoying my little dose of Fiji on Monday evenings with this TV programme. It's funny to think I'm watching Ulai in Vorovoro on the TV and he's actually just in the next county to me.
A bit of the BBC program is on Youtube but it's very blurry on my computer.
Did you have picnics on Vorovoro when you were a child in Labasa?
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