Thursday, August 31, 2006

from James Siers 'Fiji in Colour' 1969

A book I found for $1 in an op-shop, James Siers 'Fiji in Colour' of 1969, has several photographs taken in the Labasa area. Here is one of the Three Sisters mountains.

Labasa town in the 60s, cane-fields from the air, and the Fiji Airways Heron at Savusavu on the south side of Vanua Levu. The pictures below are of the Commissioner Northern of that time, Mr Parkes, and his family looking at the historical stones of Wasavulu which require an explanation which I will write about later, and fishermen at the Labasa market.



  1. $1, I love it. Great find. I like the pictures - especially the Heron.

    I wonder about the significance of the stones of Wasavulu and look forward to reading the explanation of them.

  2. The minute I saw the picture I recognised the three sisters. I can't remember the name of the place we lived at in Labasa but you drove about three miles out of town past the sugar mill, and the three sisters and up a hill covered in government houses. We lived at the top opposite a small open prison.

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    This is amazing, my name is also James Siers, no relation to the author. I cannot find this book locally. It would be a great addition to my coffee table collction, for I am also a photographer, what a small world...

  4. James, the book sometimes turns up in secondhand shops in Australia or New Zealand I expect. It's nicely written and his photos are great. You could surprise your friends with this book on your coffee table!

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