Friday, September 01, 2006

Vorovoro Island - project up and running

With the arrival of the first group, the tribewanted project is up and running. They were welcomed traditionally by the Mali people and given a lovo feast. Tui Mali and many of the Mali people were there so it's very different from 'Survivor' type of projects where there is no or very little interaction with the indigenous people.

Quote from Fiji Blog on tribewanted:
Tui Mali in his response to the first footers landing commented: “Normally there is a line in the sand. On the one side are tourists and on the other are Fijians. On Vorovoro today there is no line. We are one community and we will live, work and play together. You are generating employment in our communities, education in our schools and happiness in our homes. Bula Vinaka (you are very welcome)”

Peceli told me - in an email - that he was on the phone to Vorovoro and wished them well with their project.

Now they won't have lovo feasts every day, so now the hard work starts. They need to learn how to catch fish for themselves!


  1. Idon't know the old cave we use to go and stay there during our primary school picnic is still there or not.I also remember the late Rev Dr Finau Tuiholaki who was Principal at Davuilevu Theological College also camp at this cave for a short retreat.

  2. Pime. my email address.

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