Thursday, August 31, 2006

some questions raised at the Bau Conference

No doubt when Peceli sets foot in Geelong again in a couple of days, we can have some real stories of the Bau Conference. He was fortunate to visit Viwa Island yesterday where John Hunt, the missionary once lived and I hope the photographs come out!
Here are topics raised at the conference in the Fiji newspapers though the slant they gave is rather limited.
I. Next conference will be in Macuata - hoorah for babasiga land! and the choir competition in Furnival Park, Suva, so how can a member of conference who sings in a choir straddle the distance between Macuata and Suva?
2. Corporal punishment in schools and homes is okay and should not be banned. Well....
3. Gay rights as in the Fiji Constitution should be reconsidered. Hmmm.
4. The move to increase the financial levy did not get through, and half of the circuits are behind in their financial commitments.
5. A research group is to be established regarding music. Hoorah!

6. The vote for a new vice-president was interesting. Lorini Tevi was nominated but didn't get the numbers. Now that would have been marvellous. She is a smart, articulate woman who has worked in Geneva at the World Council of Churches for many years, returned to Fiji and certainly she would be better than the men! Here's a photo of Lorini in earlier days. Isa lei, Lorini was recently widowed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the Conference in Bau is over now and yesterday hundreds of whales' teeth, fine mats and gifts were distributed to the visitors. Alas, Peceli didn't go to collect a mat, etc. Instead he spent the day visiting a prison. Okay, perhaps that's where he was needed more.
    PS I noticed one memo about the conference - they want to set up a website.
