If it is really law that you can't have youth fellowships, women's meetings, Sunday School, prayer groups, choir practices, circuit meetings, etc. in the Methodist Church of Fiji, perhaps everyone can spend time watching the turtles, caring for the environment, delighting in the beauty of God's creation. There is much to enjoy - and to clean up too.
Islands for turtles
Salaseini Vosamana
Friday, September 02, 2011
TWO islands in the district of Nadogo in Macuata have been identified as nesting sites for turtles. This year, Nukuvadra and Katawaqa near Kavewa Island have so far recorded 50 nesting sites with a total of 5000 hatchings.
Nadogo district conservationist Emosi Time said the two islands were monitored to safeguard the turtles since the Turtle Decree was put in place in June. "Most people were not aware of the Turtle Decree and they consumed a lot of turtles and eggs illegally," Mr Time told The Fiji Times. "After various awareness programs and warnings, the islanders complied with the decree. Sometimes we experience a slight change in climate and we monitor the movements of the turtles because they can't move to higher ground. It is a challenging job being a watchdog for turtles but I always regard them as human beings since they are also living creatures."
Mr Time said more manpower was needed to monitor the nesting sites. "I am the only conservationist and I need more assistance because of the distance and the fuel cost for transportation. I have a passion for turtles and I will do my best to safeguard these creatures."

Yes, Wendy, of course the environment is important. Yet I detect behind your comments a degree of disbelief about the military government's persecution of the church. Never has the present situation been so bad in past times, even under the days of the pagan chiefs. They at least respected the missionaries and allowed them to pursue church activities without hindrance.
Fiji Village reports that there has been a slight change and that women's meetings, youth meetings, and small groups will be allowed.
To my mind everyone may read it.
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