I've been browsing the net for songs and pictures that can be used for a Carols around the World evening service I've been asked to plan. I found one song that gave me a start. Of course the author wasn't thinking of the Christmas Island that we know today, but I changed two or three words to make it relevant. In case you don't know, Christmas Island is part of Australia but it's become one huge detention centre (going to be doubled in size they say) for people seeking asylum who've been picked up from their leaky boats.

Christmas Island
By: Lyle Moraine (1946)
Let's get away from sleigh bells, let's get away from snow,
Let's make a break some Christmas dear, I know the place to go.
How'd ja like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?
How'd ja like to spend the Holiday away across the sea?
How'd ja like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?
How'd ja like to hang your stockin' on a great big coconut tree?
How'd ja like to stay up late like the detainees do,
Wait for Santa to sail in with your presents in a canoe?
If you ever spend Christmas on Christmas Island,
You will never stray, for ev'ry day you will ask
can your Christmas dreams come true?
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