from w
is Meg Campbell's take on Fiji. The photographs are superb and copyrighted so I'm only posting one here as a sample. A really super blog about Fiji. I found it by accident when I was searching for pictures on Fijian dress especially how to tie on a sulu!
From my experience with Tribewanted, sulu-typing prowess is directly proportional to the amount of kava one consumes. So, it's a relatively inexpensive piece of clothing, but wearing it right can be quite expensive ;-)
I don't know that there are any sulu-tying photos here, but we've collected quite a few photos on Tribewanted Flickr group. Good luck!
Thank you so much! I am incredibly flattered... You are welcome to reprint any images here (just credit them). And yes, I will do a new post soon (I am slack). Love your blog too, especially for the great explanation of culture and customs. Now I must go and read how to get my sulu to stay up!!
E mosi na yaloqu ni mai raica nai taba ni gonevuli ira vodo busi... sa rairai vinaka dina ko ira na gone Vulagi, nodra dara toka nai sulu vaka rokorko ni Viti ni da kila...na Jaba kei nai Sulu vakataga. E sa mai vaka calai dina ena gauna oqo na tarausese musu se 3 quarter....Me da lesu ki na sala makawa...Born a Fijian and shall Die a Fijian. Me maroroi iko Na Kalou levu, Na Kalou dina...Steeveni O.
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