Friday, March 20, 2015

Uniform at Grand Pacific Hotel

from w
I still think the uniform of staff at the Grand Pacific Hotel is inappropriate for the climate and culture.  It might be okay in some 'old colonial Raffles style of hotel' in Asia but it has very little to do with our local culture. It is really overdone, the hat serves no purpose of keeping off the sun or rain, the heavy looking coat, tie and trousers are not suitable for Suva's humid weather. Okay, that's what I think.  I'm not criticising the man in the photo, only the GPH notion of what is suitable as uniform. Story from Fiji Times.

50 times in a day

Ernest Heatley
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Akuila Buka is one of the most photographed people in Suva these days.
The diminutive Grand Pacific Hotel doorman is a standout for those who frequent the iconic establishment.
Although Buka is vertically challenged, he makes up for his lack of height with his mild and well-behaved demeanour.
The 52-year-old native of Sote Village in the north of Tailevu has been an attraction unto himself at the GPH, particularly for visitors who are taken by his friendly ways, eager smile and obviously interesting physical characteristics.
He soaks it all in his own way and from the looks of it, is pretty content with being an attraction, although he doesn't allow it to get to his head.
"I have had so many photos taken of me with visitors. They always want to take a photo with me in front of the hotel. Sometimes I can be photographed about 50 times in one day.
"When I first started I was a bit apprehensive about getting my photo taken but now I'm used to it," he said.
When Buka got the call that GPH was interested in his services, he didn't wait.
"I had been working for a supermarket for 18 years as a packer. When they asked me to come down there for an interview I never waited," said the bachelor.
"I like doing the work that I do here. This is my first time working in the tourism industry and I love it," he said proudly.
Buka greets visitors to the hotel, opens car doors and even carries bags as a porter does.
"Working in a place like the GPH has taught me a lot," the second youngest of five siblings said. His parents were simple farmers in Sote Village who lived off the land but Buka decided to move away from the rural environment and chance his arm in Suva.
The Nausori resident said he has been through challenges for most of his life but perseveres, and credits whatever he has achieved so far to remaining positive and being god-fearing.

Now, this does look better!

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