Monday, March 23, 2015

Free milk and weetbix for Fiji kids

from w
This is an interesting initiative with some logistic problems I expect.  What is one serving for a Fiji kid?  Four weetbix?  And they will all want to go to the toilet 20 minutes after!  And later I read the story in other Fiji papers and it seems each child will be given ONE weetbix, not four as I expected!  A good photo op for the PM of course at Nakelo.

Year 1 students to get weet-bix with milk March 23, 2015 01:55:00 PMA+ A-||| 0 inShare   Follow @ Twitter 

The Fijian Government today announced that all Year 1 students in the country will get 1 serving of weet-bix with 250ml of milk on every school day. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama made the announcement while launching the Free Milk Initiative at Nakelo District School in Tailevu this morning. “I’m especially delighted to announce that as well as a free glass of milk a day, each Class One child will also be given a serve of Weetbix a day, thanks to the CJ Patel Group and Fiji Dairy Limited.” “They are also very generously providing you with your very own bowl and spoon. I wish to thank the CJ Patel Group of Companies and Fiji Dairy Limited who have partnered with my Government for all the hard work it has put in to deliver this massive logistic undertaking and have gone the extra mile to ensure that all class one students receive a healthy meal every morning.”

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