Friday, September 19, 2014

Fiji election - not much privacy

from w
There's not much privacy in the election. I thought it was a 'secret' ballot. Numbers published in the  Fiji papers give away the preferences in even very small voting centres. 
Namalata Community Hall Valid votes - 282 Invalid votes - 0
Total - 282
Total votes for Voreqe Bainimarama - 37
Ro Teimumu Kepa: 78
T.P.A.F Narere Valid votes - 372 Invalid votes 0
Total - 372
Bainimarama - 255
Ro Teimumu - 11
Rev Thomas Baker Primary Valid votes - 253 Invalid votes - 2
Total - 255
Bainimarama - 99
Ro Teimumu - 8
A.D Patel Memorial School Valid votes - 264 Invalid votes - 5
Total - 269
Bainimarama - 146
Ro Teimumu: - 14
Uto Village Valid votes - 74 Invalid votes - 0
Total - 74
Bainimarama - 1
Ro Teimumu - 5

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