Sunday, September 21, 2014

Almost final list of winners in the election

from w
From Fijilive
Parliament make-up stands at 32-15-3 September 21, 2014 09:38:01 

The projected composition of Fiji's Parliament remains at 32 seats for FijiFirst, 15 for the Social Democractic Liberal Party (SODELPA) and three for the National Federation Party (NFP) based on latest official results of the 2014 General Election. Updated results was released by the Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem a while ago after verification of counts from 1990 polling stations out of the 2028 used in the election. 

The total valid votes counted so far stands at 485,566 which has been entered in the final result database. Of this, FijiFirst has 287,231 at 59.2 per cent, SODELPA has 136,967 at 28.2 per cent, National Federation Party has 26,418 at 5.4 per cent, PDP has 15,491, FLP has 11,440, One Fiji Party has 5722, Fiji United Freedom Party has 1042, Independent candidate Roshika Deo with 1035 and Independent candidate Umesh Chand with 220. 

Results from a  total of 38 polling stations are left to be verified - 16 in the Central, 12 in the West and 10 in the North. Projected parliament make-up based on candidates' vote tally: 32 FijiFirst 1. Voreqe Bainimarama 2. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum 3. Parveen Kumar 4. Ratu Inoke Kubuabola 5. Dr Mahendra Reddy 6. Ruveni Nadolo. 7. Pio Tikoduadua 8. Joeli Cawaki 9. Osea Naiqamu 10. Sanjit Patel 11. Brij Lal 12. Timoci Natuva. 13. Viam Pillay 14. Dr Jiko Luveni 15. Inia Seruiratu 16. Lorna Eden 17. Balmindar Singh 18. Vijay Nath 19. Semi Koroilavesu. 20.Jioje Konrote 21. Bainikalou Vunivalu 22. Dr Neil Sharma 23. Netani Rika 24. Alivereti Nabulivou 25. Mereseini Vuniwaqa 26. Alvik Maharaj 27. Rosy Akbar 28.Jone Usamate 29. Ashneel Sudhakar 30. Ilesa Delana 31. Faiyaz Koya 32 Veena Bhatnagar 15

 SODELPA 1. Ro Teimumu Kepa  2. Niko Nawaikula 3. Naiqama Lalabalavu 4. Mosese Bulitavu 5. Manakiwai Tagivetaua 6. Anare Vadei 7. Rogoibulu Gavoka 8. Semesa Karavaki 9. Suliano Matanitobua 10. Vuinakasa Nanovo 11. Kiniviliame Kiliraki 12. Isoa Tikoca 13. Salote Radrodro 14. Aseri Radrodro 15. Jiosefa Dulakiverata 3 
NFP 1. Biman Prasad 2. Tupou Draunidalo 3. Prem Singh

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This is following the strange method of counting numbers of a party. If it was first past the post, then Sodelpha would have much more as they had more candidates with over 2000 than Fiji First.  Some candidates got in with very few votes e.g. Veena Bhatnagan 858 votes.
858Veena Bhatnagar356
858Veena Bhatnagar356

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