Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Methodist conference program

from w
It's good to see that the Methodist Church has now a very active communications department with the use of a facebook group, a website, you tube videos, and the postings by Padre James in the Fiji Times. We can see the program set out in  Padre James article and we prayer for a successful and spiritual outcome.  One question is - I am searching for any photos of the 1964 celebration of the Conference and especially information about the ordination that year of seven or nine candidates. Peceli was one of them and we don't have any photo of that occasion. It is 50 years on for the men who were ordained at that time, and I wonder how many are still alive today.

Celebrating 50 years

Off The Wall With Padre James Bhagwan
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Suva will be a hive of activity from this weekend, and not just from the Hibiscus Festival.
This Sunday, August 17, the weeklong national celebrations of the Methodist Church's Golden Jubilee or 50th Anniversary will get underway with a church service at the Vodafone Arena.
Guests attending the celebrations will include representatives from sister Methodist and uniting communities in Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America and South Korea.
These partner churches will be here to join in the celebration, preach and reaffirm their connection with the Methodist Church in Fiji.
Two Fridays ago, the special Jubilee Mass Choir present their sevu or first offering of the anthems they will sing at the celebration service on Sunday morning and the Agape Feast as well as the evening worship next Friday.
Unlike previous years, instead of a choir festival in Furnival Park in Toorak, there will be choirs from various divisions singing at the morning and evening worship programs.
During the days dedicated to acknowledging the relationship of the church with the vanua, there will be traditional presentations and offerings of traditional meke and songs specially composed to celebrate the Golden Jubilee.
Funds raised during the special gifting day on Thursday, August 21, will be put into a special trust fund to provide scholarships, particularly for lay members as part of their development for leadership partnership in the Church.
For the interest of the 228,000 members of the Methodist community, their friends and those who may be wondering what exactly will be taking place next week, the program for the week is as follows:
Sunday, August 17
* 10am — Vodafone Arena: Golden Jubilee Celebration Welcome Service,
* 5pm — Centenary Church, Induction of those elected in 2013 Annual Conference and presentation of ceremonial stoles to the 56 Divisional Superintendents of the Church.
Monday, August 18
* 10am: Reconciliation Service — Furnival Park, Toorak. Fasting for those who are able until the conclusion of the Reconciliation service
* 6pm: Evening Worship — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Buisena Ravoka-Secretary for Lay Pastors and Local Preachers
o Choir: Nabua Division
o Scripture Reading : Mr. Usaia Vunibola-Secretary for Property Development
o Sermon : Guest Preacher- United Methodist Church, USA
Tuesday, August 19
* 8.30am: Morning Devotion — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Jeremaia Waqainabete-Divisional Superintendent, Wesley Division
o Choir: Navuloa Circuit
o Scripture Reading : Mr. Livai Tuisaravere — Trust Secretary
o Sermon : Rev. Josateki Koroi — Past Methodist Church President
* 10am: Kubuna Day — Furnival Park
o Traditional ceremony
o Speeches and presentations
o Meke and performances
* 2pm: Presentations from overseas churches-Furnival Park, Toorak
o Methodist Church in Great Britain
o Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga
o United Church of Papua New Guinea
* 6pm: Evening worship — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Dr Immanuel Reuben, Divisional Superintendent, Indian Divison; Choir: Veiwakani Ni Cewa Division
o Scripture Reading : Mr. Patiliai Leqa— Executive Secretary
o Sermon : Guest Preacher — Methodist Church of Great Britain
Wednesday, August 20
* 8.30am: Morning Devotion — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Ili Vunisuwai — Secretary for Methodist Men's Fellowship; Choir: Churchward Chapel, Rotuma Division
o Scripture Reading: Rev. Mario Rigamoto — Minister, Churchward Chapel; Sermon: Rev. Manasa Lasaro — Past Methodist Church President
* 10am: Burebasaga Day — Furnival Park
o Traditional Ceremony
o Speeches and Presentations
o Meke and performances
* 2pm: Presentations from overseas churches-Furnival Park, Toorak
o Uniting Church in Australia
o Methodist Church of Samoa
o United Church in the Solomon Islands
* 6pm: Evening worship — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Iliesa Naivalu — Secretary for Christian Citizenship and Social Services
o Choir: Kinoya Division
o Scripture Reading : Deaconess Salanieta Naucabalavu — Secretary for Methodist Women's Fellowship
o Sermon : Guest Preacher — United Methodist Church, USA
Thursday, August 21
* 8.30am: Morning devotion — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev.Samuela Koroi — Secretary for Evangelism
o Choir: Centenary Church
o Scripture Reading : Pastor Sakiusa Siri
o Sermon : Rev. Dr. Ilaitia Sevati Tuwere — Past Methodist Church President
* 10am: Gifting Day - Furnival Park
o Methodist Church in Fiji Circuits to present contributions towards Scholarship Trust Fund
* 6pm: Evening Worship — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Semisi Turagavou — Secretary for non-formal/Christian education
o Choir: Ra Division
o Scripture Reading : Deaconess Litiana Dau, Deaconess House
o Sermon : Guest Preacher — Methodist Church of New Zealand
Friday, August 22
* 8.30am: Morning Devotion — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Tevita Nawadra Banivanua — General Secretary
o Choir: Raiwaqa Circuit
o Scripture Reading : Rev. Maraiya Ryland Naisenaivalu — Hospital Chaplain
o Sermon : Rev. Dr. Jovili Meo — Past Principal, Pacific Theological College
* 10am: Tovata Day — Furnival Park
o Traditional ceremony
o Speeches and presentations
o Meke and performances
* 2pm: Presentations from overseas churches-Furnival Park, Toorak
o United Methodist Church — USA
o Methodist Church in New Zealand
o Korean Methodist Church
* 4.30pm: Agape Feast — FMF National Gymnasium
* 7pm: Evening worship — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Worship Leader: Rev. Kalivati Rokisi Divisional Superintendent, Vanuabalavu Divison
o Choir: Jubilee Mass Choir
o Scripture Reading : Deac. Filiji Suka, Deaconess House
o Sermon : Guest Preacher — Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga
Saturday, August 23 Youth And Education Day
* 8.45am Youth and Students March of Witness from Flea Market to Furnival Park
* 9.45am Youth and Education Program — Furnival Park, Toorak
* 7pm: Closing of national celebration — Furnival Park, Toorak
o Guest preacher — United Church of Papua New Guinea
Yes, a busy week in Suva approaches, but also with it, the opportunity for reconciliation, renewal of relationships — both spiritual, personal and social and the opportunity to give thanks, have fun and celebrate. "Simplicity, Serenity, Spontaneity"
* Reverend James Bhagwan is the secretary for Communication and Overseas Mission of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma.

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