Thursday, August 14, 2014

Davuilevu students over 50 years ago

from w
Half a century ago there were no digital cameras, facebook, and ease with photography so not many photos were taken at church events and of theological students. However I have one photo of students at Davuilevu Theological College from about 1959 and some of these young men were ordained in 1964 the year that the Methodist Church became a Conference, independent of Australia.  I wonder how many of them are still alive today.  If they are they would probably be about seventy-eight years old.

1 comment:

  1. A bit of checking came up with a different date for Peceli's group being ordained. Seems like memory played a trick and it was the year before - middle of July 1963, with Inoke. Aminiasi's group was in 1964.
