Thursday, September 05, 2013

The Theological College in Davuilevu

from Peceli,
Unlike the condition of Baker Hall in Davuilevu, the Vuli Talatala (Theological College) appears to be very neat and tidy. Here are some photos we took about ten days ago. We were visiting there on the Monday, the day the Conference started. That day we were on our way to Nukualofa for a holiday.


  1. Andrew Thornley10:20 PM

    Thankyou Peceli and Wendy for publicising the Vuli Talatala. I have stayed there a number of times since 2008 and can testify to the many improvements that you have seen. There are a group of Australians lending their support to Davuilevu and recently they contributed along with the NSW Uniting Church to the installation of Solar Panels on the Davuilevu Library roof. This has reduced the power costs for the Library and released money for other projects.

  2. Hello Andrew,
    We were planning to go to the Tippett Symposium at Parramatta but poor health has meant that we can't go. Peceli came back from Fiji and Tonga very tired and he needs to recover,and have some medical tests.

  3. Andrew Thornley3:41 AM

    Kevin Hovey made special mention of your email message to him, which he greatly appreciated. He quoted a few sentences from Peceli's description of theological training under Alan Tippett. Friday has gone well , with about 50 in attendance, including Colin Dundon who has written the life of Tippett, based of course on his papers in Canberra. I also met Doug Priest from the USA who is helping to edit all of Tippett's previously unpublished books, which are being released now in a whole series funded and published by the William Carey Library.
    Tippett's three daughters are in attendance and Margaret Reeson, who got the material for her Currency Lass from the Tippett papers, gave an excellent testament to his wisdom in helping younger scholars and writers.
