Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Regarding kava drinking in Fiji

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The custom of 'loosening the necktie' after worship for the preacher of the day to sit down with a group of mainly men had got out of control so now there is a directive from the recent Fiji Methodist Conference to hey, steady on - about the drinking of kava.

From Uniting World – a representative from the Uniting Church in Australia -  who attended  the Methodist Conference in Fiji 2013.

Rev Waqairatu called on Ministers, Deaconesses, Lay Pastors and Local Preachers to lead by example and asked that kava not to be drunk at minister’s residences and church halls.  Church ministers are encouraged to limit their kava drinking to three bowls for traditional ceremonies.  While kava has its place in traditional i Taukei culture this should not be used as excuse for excessive kava drinking.  Practices such as “luva na necktai” for preachers on Sunday is being discouraged as is drinking kava on Sunday.

Not total ban, Church clarifies  (From Fijilive)

September 01, 2013 11:57:54
Fiji’s Methodist Church has clarified that tobacco and kava consumption has not been banned in churches however it should not be used excessively by members. Church Communication secretary Reverend James Bhagwan said Church President Rev Tuikilakila Waqairatu in his opening address described the greatest challenge to Methodist spirituality as excessive kava consumption and smoking. “If the body is the temple of God then a spiritually healthy person also needs to be physically healthy as well,” Rev Bhagwan said. “The key here is the responsible behavior that committed Christians need to have to live their faith. Rev. Waqairatu is calling on ministers and Deaconesses, Lay Pastors and Local Preachers to lead by example.” “It is for this reason that he has called for kava not to be drunk at minister's residences and church halls. Church ministers are encouraged to limit their kava drinking to 3 bowls for traditional ceremonies.” “The church understands that kava has its place in traditional i Taukei culture. However culture and tradition should not be used as excuse for excessive kava drinking.Practices such as “luva na necktai” for preachers on Sunday is being discouraged as is drinking kava on Sunday.” “You can make this instruction but really, it is about responsibility and urging members to be responsible about their health and their wellbeing; and for ministers and leaders to lead by example and to walk the talk — that is the challenge." The Church is again urging its members to be responsible which means responsible use of church funding, responsible use of environment and of course responsible living as human beings. Meanwhile the Methodist conference ended on Thursday and an ordination service in now underway at the Centenary church for the new Ministers. By Mereani Gonedua

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  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

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