Monday, May 20, 2013

Some Fiji drawings and paintings

 From w
Here are a few of my sketches and paintings I made in Fiji - from Cuvu, Suva, Nukutatava, Pacific Harbour and other places. Click on any to see enlarged.  The one of the village church is actually a linocut.


  1. Andrew Thornley2:42 PM

    Beautiful paintings Wendy, thankyou very much.

  2. Andrew Thornley3:33 PM

    Dear Wendy,
    You may like to go onto the Bible Society of the South Pacific Website, where there is very interesting information about the new Bible Society Fijian translation (the Fijian New Version or FNV)- a very exciting development.

  3. I looked up their Facebook page and they have a wonderful selection of photographs. Facebook is the way to go - as a group - and it's free.
    By the way Rev Tuikilakila and Rev Tevita are in Australia at present, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne.
    Re the Fijian Bible, a good Bible study would have members using different versions to add to the discussion on certain words and meanings. Rev Cyril Germon kindly gave Peceli some of his books including a Bible and sermons by Rev Setareki Rika. I recently bought a super diary by May Cook, the wife of Rev Oswald Cook, about life in Naduri area 1904-6. I'm still trying to track down an accurate history of the lotu coming to Macuata.

  4. Andrew Thornley6:56 PM

    Well Wendy and Peceli,

    Perhaps it you good people who could write the history of the lotu coming to Macuata.
