Saturday, May 18, 2013

A babasiga kid has knee surgery

from w
Jordan, our grandson had knee surgery at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne this morning and is recovering well this afternoon, even eating Maccas for his evening meal! George is staying with him and it's a beautiful hospital. His anaethesist sang a Fijian song to him as he went under. That children's song about a bulumakau. Apparently the anaethesist spent his childhood in Fiji! Peceli and I visited this afternoon and picked up Andrew Junior who was there all day for moral support. Jordan is in Platypus Wing, a lovely area decorated with paintings. Jordan's injury was to do with the growth plate on one knee (injured in a river near Labasa quite some time ago!)

and there's a bit to do over the next months to get it going well.
And on Sunday Jordan has visitors from Geelong - Andrew Snr, Andrew Jnr and their friend Jhiah.
And on the third day Jordan came home with a magnetic device to start the process of fixing his leg - over four or five months. Apparently the technology is very new and Jordan and another teenager were the first children in Australia to have this method of reconstruction of the limb.  The bionic boy!.


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