Wednesday, April 03, 2013

From little Kia Island to Sweden

from w
It's amazing that a group from the island of Kia off the Macuata coastline have been able to travel to distant places such as Sweden. Way to go! Congratulations on their conservation project too.
From Fiji Times today: The photos by Meagan Kelly were taken during her visit to Kia and on her blog.

Students take trip

Serafina Silaitoga
Thursday, April 04, 2013
FROM the little island of Kia in Macuata to Gothenburg City in Sweden — a group of students who have not seen a plane have considered themselves blessed to be part of a world competition that will fly them to the second largest Swedish city.
The five-member group will represent Fiji and the Pacific at this year's United Nations Environment Program/Volvo Adventure Awards in June.
The group, who are reef rangers of C3 (Community Centred Conservation), will also be the first group from the Pacific to be part of the global competition among seven other countries.
The rangers were assisted by C3 officials with the application done last year.
C3 co-ordinator Akosita Rokomate said they sent pictures and the programs of work done by young rangers on the island of Kia that won the hearts of organisers.
"The five students are excited because they have never been out of Labasa and have not even seen a plane so the thought of having a new airbus is making them even more excited about the trip. They want to get a ride on the new airbus," Ms Rokomate said.
"It is a fully-funded trip by the organisers and our application made it to the seven finalists out of 130 other applications that came from around the world. So it is a proud moment for us in Fiji," she said.


  1. Rocky8:32 AM

    Tour operator.....give them a little taste on the deer in one of the menu's ....

  2. Bula Babasiga, have shared this article in our Luvei Viti Think Tank forum.
    Loloma yani and its been a while. Back in motion soon.
