Sunday, March 31, 2013

A funeral in Nakawaqa village

from w
Peceli is over in Labasa at present and within two weeks there have been three bereavements so it's a holiday filled with commitments to the close and extended Fiji family.  These photos are of Degei's funeral at Nakawaqa village, Mali Island. The Ratawa family from Vatuadova village had to travel to Malau landing then go by outboard boats to the village where the funeral proceedings took place over a few days of rain. Two cows, gifts to feed the visitors, had to be towed from Malau to Sigawe then walked to Nakawaqa. Did they actually have to swim for fiteen minutes, I wonder. Anyway the ceremonies are over but the sadness continues as Degei, the husband of Ulamila, Peceli's daughter, was much loved, a generous, gentle, gifted man whose talents were in turtle fishing until Ulamila developed her sugar-cane, and they became the focus for development in the village. Degei was 53 and died from a serious illness. Our prayers are especially with Ulamila and their children Talei and Eroni.


1 comment:

  1. Rocky8:27 AM

    Isa, so sad to hear the passing of Degei, was in my high teens when i attended his wedding in Mali. Part of the bride delegation that stayed in Nakawaga for two nights, those days still vivid on me..RIP Degei
