Monday, January 07, 2013

Morning routine in Geelong

from Peceli,
This morning after dropping our grandson Epa at work at 6 a.m. my routine was to work in the vegetable garden in our backyard in Geelong then do ten minutes on the exercise bike, then check the Fiji news on the internet.  Ready to start the day.  Even though Australia is suffering from a heat wave with over 40 degrees in some places in EVERY  state, so far in Geelong it's only a bit over 20.  Though our life seems easy, we are still praying for many people who are suffering today - after bushfires in Tasmania, after Cyclone Evan in Fiji.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hi, I'm Camryn! I am in sixth grade from the U.S.A. and I'm doing a report on Fiji's missionaries. I need some questions answered about my missionary. I was wondering is there an e-mail I could contact you at and ask you a few questions?

  2. Do a google search for the missionaries to Fiji - there's plenty of material. Who have you chosen to write about?
