Wednesday, January 09, 2013

A farm and house and tractor for $70,000?

from w
A story in today's Fiji Sun is rather amazing with a promise of a plan for young school leavers to get into farming. A loan from where?  Buying (is is it leasing) 100 acres, building a house, shed, fertilizer, tractor, etc. etc. for only $70,000? That seems like dreaming to me.

Big interest in farm scheme

Fiji National University reports an accelerating interest in the Fijian Government’s new scheme to stake students to an agricultural career that includes land and a house. Secondary school graduates will be benefiting from the new scholarship scheme that was announced in the 2013 National Budget in November last year.
The new Government scheme will be funding students to do a one- year certificate course in Agriculture.
Students will be receiving a loan of $70,000 upon graduation which will allow them to buy 100 acres of farm land, a house, a shed, a tractor and basic farming implements, fertilisers and other necessary materials with $2000 start-up cash.
“This is a unique chance for students to get a Government grant, not only to study but to get launched in a solid career with cash in hand within a year, which is an amazing opportunity,” Fiji National University Vice-Chancellor Dr Ganesh Chand. “The Government is basically paying enterprising young people to become farmers and the University is going to make sure they can be successful.”
The students will learn a variety of farming skills during their one-year course. After they graduate, they will each be supervised by an agricultural extension officer as part of their scholarship so they can reach specific targets.

“Only 50 scholarships are available for 2013 and with the Form Six examination results due out, the competition is going to be strong,” the Vice-Chancellor said. “This is not a small time scheme to produce a few farmers – this is a genuine chance at getting into agro business in a big way in any of the dozens of options the broad area of agriculture offers.
Think export, think new crops, think stud stock, think of anything an energetic young person can do with this sort of committed Government support.  suggest those interested in such an amazing opportunity to get their applications in as quickly as possible,” he said.

FNU booths can be found at the Government Information Referral Centre opposite Suva Post Office and also applications can be made to any FNU campus academic office or online through the FNU website.

1 comment:

  1. As far as I know there a course when for "Agriculture" but this is amazing information I've known now a huge budget for the for the student who's graduated one certificate course.
    Good luck for the government in releasing this great amount them.
    To all the scholars try your best to pass it on.
    Thanks for this information.

    A webmaster of used tractors
