Monday, May 14, 2012

When will this court case ever end?

from w It's years now it seems since those four talatalas were at an ordinary Standing Committee meeting at a time when all such meetings were banned and the court case goes on and on and on. Surely they can wind it up even if two elderly gentlemen are not well at present. Get over it! It was an ordinary church meeting, nothing to panic over......... Lawyer seeks separate case for preachers Mary Rauto Tuesday, May 15, 2012 A DEFENCE lawyer in a case involving four Methodist Church executives has asked the court to consider separating the cases. Lawyer Filimone Vosarogo said his clients, church president Reverend Ame Tugaue and general secretary Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, would like the trial to proceed. This came after lawyer Aseri Vakaloloma submitted an affidavit calling for the hearing scheduled for yesterday to be vacated because his clients, former church presidents Reverend Tomasi Kanailagi and Reverend Manasa Lasaro, were not well. Attached to the affidavit presented to Suva Magistrate Thushara Rajasinghe were the medical report from a cardiologist on his clients' heart problems. Mr Kanailagi was not present in court and Mr Vakaloloma said his client fell ill on Saturday. The four have been charged with organising and participating in a meeting in contravention of the Public Emergency Regulations in 2009. Mr Rajasinghe asked deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Mosese Korovou if he had any objections to the affidavits so that they could be recorded. Mr Korovou said while he objected to the affidavit because the State wanted to proceed with the matter, they could not proceed in the absence of Mr Kanailagi. He also said he could not rebut medical evidence (report). Mr Rajasinghe said while the doctor mentions the medical conditions of Mr Lasaro and Mr Kanailagi, there was no explanation as to why they could not participate in the hearing. He said the same situation had come up at every hearing date and sought prosecution's view on the issue. Mr Rajasinghe vacated the hearing. Mr Vakaloloma said he had made representation to the DPPs' office with regards to the seriousness of the offence, the age of the accused men and their medical conditions. The matter has been adjourned to June 14.

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