Sunday, May 13, 2012

Preaching the charter?

from w In the Fiji Times we read that the Charter promotion group is having police protection squads as they visit villages in Macuata and even the island of Cikobia. Such a nice peace0
loving group with such fine ideas and ideals surely doesn't need any protection from the mild and affable Vanua Levu people? Security for charter team Serafina Silaitoga Wednesday, May 09, 2012 A TEAM of police officers is providing security for the visiting Peoples Charter for Change, Peace and Progress team in Vanua Levu. Police media officer north Constable Luke Rawalai said officers from the National Intelligence Bureau in Labasa was accompanying the team to the communities. "As part of our security duties, the team has accompanied the charter group as they continue to preach the charter and its 11 pillars which are the foundation of the country's progress towards democracy," Constable Rawalai said. "The team has started their awareness program in Labasa area and they will branch out within Macuata Province. "We do understand that the communities already visited have been very receptive to the team showing support towards the charter. "It is also a good experience and exposure for our officers to work with a retired officer, Kisoko Cagituevei, in laying the roadmap for the future of our country," said Constable Rawalai. The charter team is expected to visit Cikobia island next week.

1 comment:

  1. so good i like it...
    blog walking, visite my blog to ok///
