Saturday, November 05, 2011

Nubunikavula village

from w
I remember a time when we went by van to Nubunikavula village, a lovely village with a river great for swimming. The people were hospitable and that day they were working on a hillside cleaning and planting. We ate mussels in coconut cream at a picnic before an elderly gentleman told me some of the old chants they used to sing, and then I collected lullabies from one of the younger women when I walked into the village. So I was interested to read a story in today's Fiji Times with reference to this village. It is quite far from Labasa town as it's really on the border of Macuata and Cakaudrove. The villagers and nearby farmers have to use buses to get to work or the market or to school. It would be good if the feeder road was improved however I don't think that walking three kilometres is such a problem. Makes them fit. The early morning start though seems really too early though. Kids aren't what they used to be it seems as walking ten k was usual at one time.
Students walk 3miles to school
Salaseini Vosamana
Saturday, November 05, 2011
THE dreadful road conditions at Nubunikavula Village in Macuata has left a group of students with no choice but to walk for three miles to the main road every morning to catch the only school bus in the area.

Concerned parents have requested for maintenance of the feeder access road that links the village to the main road to allow public service vehicles through and service the area.

Village headman Timoci Kalouvou said students had to wake up as early as 4am to prepare for school and walk three miles to catch the bus on the main road.

"The road condition has raised a lot of concerns because our students are being affected in their school work as they leave home early in the morning," Mr Kalouvou said.

"If they (students) miss the 7am bus, they will have to walk another six miles in order to catch the 9am bus which is very late.

"It is not only the students in our village that are affected but students from nearby settlements and we are worried it will affect their school work because they will doze off in school," he said.

Mr Kalouvou said they desperately needed assistance to ensure the safety of road users.

"The safety and security of our children can be assured if they have ample space on the roadside," he said. Works Ministry spokesman Iliesa Sokia said they had not received any report. "Their letter of request will have to follow the proper channel before we can make any decision."

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