Sunday, November 06, 2011

Fijians in Geelong

from w
Yesterday we had a Fijian church service at East Geelong Uniting Church and some of our friends from Wyndam Vale came down. Afterwards everyone came to our house for drinking kava, telling stories, and eating a shared meal. About 25 or more people came so it was rather busy. Luckily we have a large backyard so the kids played there including two Japanese students over for a week at the local TAFE to do some electronics program. There are sixty Japanese students doing this at present and they are billeted by local families. The conversations must be intriguing. We have a Fiji Geelong Friendship Club here and we meet mostly on a Friday night once a fortnight but this time we met on a Sunday afternoon and included a family from the Altona Meadows/Laverton Fijian congregation. Here are a few photos taken yesterday.

Also, recently we had a gig where the Diversitat Hub was launched in Geelong, with hundreds of people, lots of fine food, speeches by politicians and jazz music. It was all about a multicultural Geelong. I posted about it on the other blog, Geelong Visual Diary. A photo from the local Geelong Advertiser is at the top of this post.

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