Thursday, August 18, 2011

High tides and Pacific Islands

from w
This morning we attended the launch of a photographic exhibition about the people of Tuvalu and Kiribas with reference to their difficulties with the sea rising. Oxfam organised the three exhibitions and the local Member of Parliament, Richard Marles, spoke at the launch. He is passionately interested in the Pacific Islands peoples and is currently on the Pacific desk for the Australian government. Only two Islanders were at the launch - no meke, no lovo - Keleta Avene who is from Tuvalu and Peceli from Fiji. I think the topic is very important and in Fiji the sea surges along the coast of some of the Fiji islands has been noticeable. There is something in the talk of 'climate change'.

Below are the notes on the web about the exhibition:
Oxfam’s Land is Life: Photographic climate change exhibition comes to Geelong

Oxfam Australia is a non-profit organisation working towards a just world without poverty through contributing to long-term development projects, responding to humanitarian emergencies and campaigning for change.

Oxfam is currently raising awareness of the impacts of climate change through the Land is Life photo exhibition, which will be showing free of charge in Geelong throughout August 2011.

Land is Life powerfully illustrates the impact that climate change is having on people of the Pacific Islands of Kiribati and Tuvalu, whose land is being slowly eaten away by storm surges, unpredictable weather and the salination of arable soil.

This free photo exhibition shares a story of human determination and resilience in the face of great adversity. Rodney Dekker, award-winning documentary photographer and multi-media storyteller, has captured how climate change affects daily life on these fragile islands.

Land is Life is showing free of charge at:
• National Wool Museum - 26 Moorabool Street, Geelong: 5 - 14 August
• Geelong West Library - 153b Pakington St, Geelong West: 15 - 25 August
• Belmont Library - 163 High Street, Belmont: 15 - 25 August

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