Thursday, August 18, 2011

Congratulations Dilkusha

Congratulations to Dilkusha for winning the senior category of Tadra Kahani - the excellent song/dance/drama competition between Fiji schools.
from Fiji Village today:
Dilkusha Methodist High School win 2011 Tadra Kahani
Publish date/time: 19/08/2011 [08:01]

The Tadra Kahani with connect Junior and Senior division trophies have both gone to schools located along the Nasinu/Nausori corridor.

With their theme "Environmental Exploitation" and first timers to the dream story stage show, Dilkusha Methodist High School were crowned the new winners of the 2011 Tadra Kahani with Connect in the senior division last night.

Not only were they overall winners, Dilkusha Methodist High School also scooped the awards for the Best Concept Award, Best Set Design and Best Audience Response.

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Teacher Kavita Sharan said it was through dedication and perseverance that contributed to the win.

Lomary Secondary were the first runner up while Suva Grammar school was second runner up.

In the Junior division, Rishikul Primary School walked away as the new champion.

Class eight students Janette Kumar and Priyanka Nambiar said that they were shocked with the announcement.

Meanwhile, International School Suva were awarded the best design backdrop, Best Costume, hair and makeup, Best writing while choreography award was Saint Marcellin Primary, Best soundtrack award went to Saint Agnes Primary School.

Story by: Selina Navuso and Sofaia Koroitanoa

Meanwhile down on the farm - Animal Farm perhaps - there are stirrings of stories in at least two of the blogs concerning the current Methodist Conference in Fiji - stirrings that the current Methodist leaders have been asked to step down, even before the meeting starts. Whether this is just a kitchen talk story or not I do not know. Only time will tell. Certainly the constitution of the church does not allow for 'live' people to step down!

Fiji govt requests church leaders stand down from conference next week

The Methodist Church of Fiji will hold a second meeting on Monday to discuss an apparent demand by the interim government that three church leaders stand down before next week’s annual church conference.

It’s the first annual Methodist Church gathering in three years following a ban imposed by Commodore Frank Bainimarama’s regime in 2009.

The deputy general secretary, Tevita Banivanua, says police phoned the church yesterday singling out the Reverend Ame Tugaue, the General Secretary the Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu, and the Reverend Manasa Lasaro.

“What we have heard was that they will not be allowed to lead or chair the meeting. We have requested a letter that if this is the actual word of the Prime Minister, please put it down into writing because in our permit there is no such condition.”

Tevita Banivanua says the reason the police gave is that the three church leaders are facing court charges for having conducted a meeting which contravened the public emergency regulations.

News Content © Radio New Zealand International
PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand

---------and the Fiji media are running the story in various ways. This is the spin from Fiji Sun. Though the approach over recent years has been 'softly, softly', it seems that is still not enough.

Step down


Three top clerics of the Methodist Church in Fiji have been asked to step down from their roles in the church’s annual conference. A directive has been given to the church by the Government for the trio not to control the meetings.

The members include church president, Reverend Ame Tugawe, general secretary Reverend Tuikilakila Waqairatu and Reverend Manasa Lasaro.

Military spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Neumi Leweni yesterday confirmed that the Government had instructed the church that the trio refrain from chairing the meetings which is expected to begin on Tuesday. He said they had been reliably informed that there were elements within the church that had planned to utilise the church conference to instigate instability.

“We only ask the church for them to step down and not been completely axed from the meeting,” Lieutenant-Colonel Leweni said.

Church assistant general secretary Reverend Tevita Nawadra said they had no choice but to ensure that they went ahead with the conference. However, he said the fate of the three leaders would be known once the members were informed tomorrow. “We have accepted the directive from the Government and we are going to discuss this matter tomorrow,” he said. He said Reverends Tugawe, Waqairatu and Lasaro were still part of the meeting. “They have not been told not to be part of the meeting but step down from their roles in the meeting.”

The three were earlier charged with contravening the Public Emergency Regulation (PER) and the Public Order Act.

Reverend Lasaro allegedly attended the Methodist Church Standing Committee meeting at Epworth Hall in Suva on July 17, 2009, breaching the conditions of the approved permit.

Church assistant general secretary Reverend Tevita Nawadra assured Government that there would be no political interference. “We can assure Government that we will not use the church conference to discuss political matters,” Reverend Nawadra said.

Government last week raised its concern that the church would use the conference to instigate instability.

“I have also warned members that we will not entertain any political talk during our three- day meeting.”

The conference will be held at the Centenary Church in Suva from August 23-25.

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