Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weather radar tower for Vatuadova

first four photos are from Gary Eckert facebook Fiji Meteological site so click on here to view many photos

picture from Fiji radio website.
from Peceli,
I was surprised and happy to read that the new weather tower is being officially opened today. This has been built on the Vatudamu part of Nukutatava, our land near Labasa. This will really benefit the people of Vanua Levu by being able to assess weather even as far as Rotuma and Funafuti. The benefit will go to the northern people by having better knowledge of the approach of hurricanes and floods. Vinaka vakalevu.

New weather station commissioned in Labasa
Publish date/time: 11/03/2011 [13:09]

People of Vanua Levu will now be given more accurate and timely cyclone and flood warnings after the commissioning of a new weather station in Vatudova, Tabia, Labasa this morning.

Project Manager, Amaniasi Tuidraki said Vanua Levu has been badly affected by flooding and cyclones in the past decade with damages amounting to millions of dollars.

He said the new weather station will benefit the country socially and economically.

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The $2.3 million new weather office was officially commissioned by the Prime Minister, Commodore Voroqe Bainimarama this morning.

Story by: Shalvin Deo
from w
I was amused to read another story about the radar launch - this time in the Fiji Sun about Epi Dakai making a speech as leader of the landowners. Dakai is not 77 as the article indicates - he's my age! He's always been a brilliant speechmaker, pragmatic and polite and is a valuable man in the Labasa area for formal Fijian vanua occasions. The reference to the land being barren - well it just ain't suitable for sugarcane though all the surrounding area is sugarcane. The article is by a Labasa journalist. Epi Dakai is of course my lovely brother-in-law!

A landowning unit of Wailevu district in Macuata has labeled Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama’s leadership as a godsend. Turaga ni Mataqali Nadogo, Epi Dakai made the remarks as he greeted Commodore Bainimarama during a traditional ceremony at the commissioning of the Labasa weather surveillance radar station yesterday. Mataqali Nadogo owns the land where the new weather surveillance radar station stands.

Mr Dakai, 77, said the country had been blessed with development and progress since the Bainimarama-led government took over leadership. He said they (landowners) are proud to be in partnership with the Government on the installation of the weather surveillance radar system. He said the Vatudamu Hill on which the radar site is located was always barren. Only now, it is lively with development seen and infrastructure improved.

“It is God’s plan for you to become our leader and be the agent of change,” Mr Dakai said. “The Government under your leadership has developed our barren land and made it productive. This radar system will not benefit us, our island and country but the Pacific as a whole.” He said it was a joyful occasion for most of the Vatudova and Wailevu villagers who for the first time have the opportunity to meet the PM. “We have only seen your pictures in the newspapers and television or hear you on radio but never see you with our own eyes. This is one of our happiest days to meet you visiting our land. We thank the Government for developing our land and making a difference in the lives of our people,” Mr Dakai said.

In his response Commodore Bainimarama said the government of the day is here to serve the people. He said the commissioning of the radar was only one of the successful projects in the Northern Division.


  1. It is such a great technology. There are such a awesome photographs of Radar systems. I am really impressed by your work.

  2. Very worthwhile data, lots of thanks for this post.
