Thursday, March 10, 2011

The cost of living in Fiji today

from w
Isa, the people of Fiji are having a really tough time finding food for the table, unless they can plant almost all of their own in their food gardens. The following is from a Fiji Labour Party survey which included tables which I haven't put here as they won't do tables properly but you can look up their website.

Price survey of basic consumer prices
[posted 10 March 2011]

A Fiji Labour Party survey of prices of food and basic consumer goods in the past three years show massive increases ranging from 20% to as much as 400% for some food items.

These increases are registered even for food items that are under price control. The FLP’s objective was to see how prices of basic items have soared as a result of devaluation in April 2009 and the increase in VAT to 15% from January 2011.

While current prices are as indicated on supermarket shelves, the pre-devaluation prices are a guide only. We took March 2009 as the cut-off date and prices are based on specials advertised in the Fiji Times for the month. Actual prices prevalent at the time could not be obtained either from the Commerce Commission, the Fiji Consumer Council or the Prices and Incomes Board which has since been scrapped.

The increases, or decreases shown in the table (below) should, therefore be viewed as indicative only, not actual. (not given here in this blog)

Despite the constraints, the picture that emerges is quite clear. Except for one or two items, most basic goods have registered exorbitant increases.

The highest increases are for staple imported food items like potatoes, onions, garlic and carrots. The price of 500g of garlic has soared from 65c pre-devaluation to $3.29 post January 2011 – a massive 406% hike. Likewise, potatoes have shot up from 99c kg to the current price of $2.38 – up 140%. Onions have gone up 125% from 89c kg to $2.00 kg now.

The price of imported carrots has jumped 212% from $1.15kg pre-devaluation to $3.59 post January 2011.

Rewa Butter (500g) is another essential food item that has almost doubled in price (85% increase) from a pre-devaluation figure of $3.29 to the current $6.09. Punjas ghee is another – from $6.99 pre-devaluation to the current price of $11.49 for a 750ml bottle – a 65% hike.

In the meat range, the price of lamb neck/curry pieces has doubled from $3.99kg pre-devaluation to $8 kg post January 2011. Lamb chops have gone up 65% from $7.99 kg to $13.16c kg.

Local Crest chicken (No. 15) has seen a 40% increase in price from $8.99 pre-devaluation to the current price of $12.59.

Even FMF Breakfast crackers (375g) show a 29% increase in the period surveyed – going up from $1.05 in March 2009 to $1.35c after January this year. Weetbix (Sanitarium 375g) went up by $1.30 from $2.79c pre-devaluation to $4.09 post VAT increase in January.

The price for FMF flour/sharps for a 10kg bag increased by 80c from $10.19 to $10.99 – up 8%.

In the toiletries/ detergent range, toothpaste has registered a 62% increase in three years, while toilet rolls (Viti) have gone up 95%. The price of Cold Power(900g) washing powder rose 43%, from $3.49 in March 2009 to $4.99 after the 15% increase in VAT this year.

Cooking Oil even though VAT zero rated, shows a 41% price increase. Punja’s Soya Bean Oil registered an increase of $5.11, jumping from $12.50 to $17.61 for a 4 litre gallon.

Price for cooking gas (Fiji Gas) for a 12kg cylinder refill shot up from $37.50 pre-devaluation to $45.50 post January – an increase of $8.

Fuel prices (Super and Diesel) have an average recorded increase of well over 50%.

Only two items out of 30 surveyed registered a price decrease. These were: Red Cow powdered milk and Brunswick Mackerel in Tomato Sauce.

The price spiral continues to rise imposing severe hardship on families with ordinary incomes. Despite the continuing rhetoric by the Commerce Commission, the housewife sees no respite from the constant struggle to ensure the family food basket fits in with the dwindling purchasing power of her family income.

Local vegetables, fruits, meat and seafood prices have in most cases, doubled, since January 2011 largely as a result of the spiralling impact of the increase in VAT to 15%.

For thousands of poor families it is now no longer a question of what is essential but simply what is affordable.


  1. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Life is tough here in Fiji and best thing for ppl is to start growing import substitution

  2. Living in Fiji can with what you do. This can be cheap or expensive to follow their chosen path of life can be. If you want the city life, but smaller, and Suva, the capital, is for you.

  3. Today, most of countries suffering from Dearness. You pay high cost of living in Fiji. All the thing are so expansive and we do not adjust without anyone.

  4. I think today every where the same situation like Fiji. You just control on your expanses and leave happily in your place.

  5. I just fond this blog. Perhaps I'm off on asking this but, if Fiji is a tropical island, why is there such a large requirement for food imports? I could see some meats and veggies (not possible to be grown locally), but potatoes and other basic staples? Is it a cultural thing?

  6. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I think alot of this increase in prices came from the devaluation of Fiji's currency, done by Bainimarama!!!
