Saturday, March 20, 2010

Update on Dismac survey

from w
It seems that the surveys have been swift and the help is getting out to the needy people in the cyclone affected areas. Thank you to Dismac, the Red Cross, immediate assistance from Australia and New Zealand, helpers, and the army and navy for their efficiency.
from RadioFiji
Tomas aftermath survey update
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The damage assessment surveys continue today - following the devastation caused by Hurricane Tomas. Disaster Management Officials are monitoring the situation on the ground through Divisional Commissioners as teams have been dispatched to various affected areas.

As of now three Fiji Navy patrol boats are in the Northern and Eastern Division to conduct ground assessments and distribution of relief supplies.

So far the latest survey report are as follows.
Evacuation centres continue to be vacated as people move back to what has been left of their homes. There are now only 9 evacuation centres open – 3 in the Northern Division and 6 in the Eastern Division. There are currently 449 evacuees in the centres.

A total of 318 houses have been reported to be damaged in the Northern and Eastern divisions. There are total of 97 homes totally destroyed in the Northern Division while in the Eastern Division 174 houses were damaged, 47 houses were totally destroyed.

There will be further updates on these figures as the field assessment progresses.

All roads in the North are open except the Nayaroyaro to Saqani road - as repairs are underway on the washed out sections.

The National Emergency Operation Centre continues to monitor the relief part of the Operation Additional New Zealand and Australian relief supplies are expected to arrive from tomorrow. This includes blankets, tents and extra tarps.

The RNZAF C130 has no tasks assigned for today –as it is expected to return to New Zealand this morning.

The MV Iloilovatu will depart for Lau at mid-day today.

MV Rayawa to depart will depart for Lomaiviti at 6 – this evening.

DISMAC says the priority areas right now are Shelter, Education and Rations (including water).

DISMAC is working to compile and submit a list of needs for funding from donors and expects to start rehabilitation within the next few weeks.

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